
Barracks Inspection

Story: While on Barracks detail had a M/gunny (Top) that used to come and inspect our work, he would even go so far as lifting the lid of the trash cans and sniff to see if they were clean!! Well he was a real #$#%%#%$@#** kind of guy so we decided to get even.

After the next "Field Day" we cleaned the trash cans and then threw in all kinds of smelly, strong smelling, cleaners we could get our hands on. We put in bleach, ammonia, drano, brasso, comet, and all kinds of soap we found laying around!!! Well we had about an inch of liquid "stuff" on the bottom of that trash can and it was fuming and boiling and making the lid dance around. We waited with baited breath until the "Top" came to our floor.

Sure enough, he made a bee line to the trash cans and lifted the lid on the first one and took a big sniff, well he kinda jumped back his eyes rolled up in his head and he kinda staggered around and then slammed the lid down on that can and mumbled "very Good" and staggered off! forgetting our inspection. He never sniffed another trash can again, a small victory for "THE SNUFFIES".

John Kamens, VMFA-251